I'm delighted that others are joining in this recipe translation and cooking challenge. Not everyone is posting each week, and others may yet join our merry crew, so check back here for where to find their posts.
If you would like to get involved as well, get in touch with me via social media, email, or comment on this post. I'll update this post if more people join in.
Transating into English:
Emily Safrin: translating from Spanish - follow on instagram follow on twitter read the blog Hannah Lawrence: translating from French - follow on instagram follow on twitter read the blog
Jennifer Case: translating from Arabic - follow on twitter read the blog K-Rae Nelson: translating from French - follow on twitter read the blog Verity Roat: translating from Arabic and French - follow on instagram follow on twitter read the blog
Translating into French:
Solène Binet: translating from Italian and English - follow on instagram follow on twitter read the blog
Valérie Ourset: translating from English and Spanish - follow on instagram follow on twitter read the blog
Translating into Spanish:
Pili Rodriguez-Deus: translating from English - follow on instagram follow on twitter read the blog
Happy translating and cooking!